Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne wash and severe acne scar removal

In our view, the best acne cure or treatment in this situation is actually holistic in nature. There are many antioxidant and antibiotic supplements widely available that will actually help your body to expel the harmful toxins through natural means. Taking these supplements and following a strict cleansing schedule (at least twice a day) can show amazing results in a very short time.
Many things in the kitchen have medicinal uses. Something as simple as the oatmeal can actually be used as an acne reducing mask. If you want to try a homemade acne mask, simply combine a half cup of quick cook oats with enough honey to make a pastel. Apply gently to your face and then allow it to dry for about fifteen minutes. Once it has dried, you can remove the mask with a wet wash cloth. As you remove it, you should gently rotate the cloth in tight circles over the surface of your face. This procedure will allow the oatmeal to exfoliate your skin.
When choosing acne medicine, select one with no side effects. Medicine is intended to treat ailment as well as not to make it worse or else create fresh ones in a process. As it is true that lots of conventional medicines take their own possible risks, there are certain products that do not. It is extremely important to think any side effects before using any kind of acne medicine.
tags: natural acne pill treatment, how effective is vitamin e for acne scars, home natural acne treatment

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