Monday, August 4, 2008

How long does it take to clear acne with sudocream and how to dry out acne

Your hair, skin and nails are nourished by the food you eat. Eat healthy, vitamin rich food and they will flourish. If you eat a horrible diet, on the other hand, they will appear unhealthy and sallow. You may even experience an increase in oil production if your diet is lacking. Why? The skin is trying to stay healthy at all costs even if it means increasing oil production to keep the skin moisturized.
Treating acne is a difficult job if you have no clue with what you are dealing with. We all want to look beautiful and attractive but the thing here is that acne is always to make things ugly. If you hate acne, you should read this article as I am going to show some of the best tips to clear up acne.
One natural cure is made with rosewater and lemon juice. Firstly, you mix half rosewater and half lemon juice. You then apply the mixture to the infected areas which should be left on for around 30 minutes, then simply wash off with luke warm water.
tags: acne pitting and home remedies, skin care product for nodules and papules acne, acne home scar treatment

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